With the children were the teacher Fernanda and Querença’s neighbour school educators, marking the Indigenous Forest Day. Each planted tree has an original identification – a wooden sign carved with the name of each child and the plantation date.
Since it was founded, Ombria Resort has committed itself in the conservation of indigenous species such as holm oak and cork oak that can be found in the property, and also small species like Thymus Lotoceplalus and Bellevalia hackelii. These plants are being grown in a nursery garden within the property and planted when ready. The Ombria Resort has already planted 800 holm oaks of a total of 2.000, and other protected species will be planted in a number rising to several thousand.
One of Ombria Resort purposes is to promote nature immersion, offering to its clients the beautiful Barrocal Algarvio natural landscapes, a better knowledge of indigenous flora and fauna and the specific habitats and the usual tranquillity of Algarve’s countryside. Besides nature, Ombria Resort sustainability is based on preservation of local history and patrimony - and for that pre-existent constructions such as the old gullies system and the lime oven were preserved - as well as traditional crafts like basketry or hand-made liqueurs.