Concerns and expectations of sustainability are growing in all walks of life, and the golf community is no different, now looking to contribute more, for the welfare of nature and communities - and for the good of the game.
To protect the rich natural biodiversity that surrounds us, we have minimised the use of natural resources and built on less than a quarter of the total resort area, with the greens and fairways of our golf course designed to blend seamlessly into the environment surrounding them by repopulating indigenous tree and plant species.
Our golf course has been woven around ancient rivers and trees that have stood for generations, achieving golf’s most prestigious ecolabel certifications by planting over 750 holm oaks – we can now count over 2000 such trees in Ombria Algarve.
Over 1,800 linear metres of riparian habitat restored with 18,000m²
Over 700 oak trees planted
Commitment to a 1:5.6 re-planting policy ration site wide
2 on-site plant nurseries, greenhouse and an organic farm
10 strong community initiatives
Partnership with the local council, NGO, university and school
GEO Foundation’s certification is the international benchmark of a great, responsible golf course, demanding the highest standards of sustainability across six key areas - nature, water, energy, supply chain, pollution control and community.
Ombria´s Golf Course was recognised with a GEO Foundation certification, showing and outlining the ways in which the construction of the golf development, from construction to design, has benefited local communities and the environment.
According to Sam Thomas, Director of Golf Development from the GEO Foundation, the project team at Ombria Algarve managed to carve out a golf course interwoven with the native species and landscape of the area. He also points out that the resort is deeply rooted in authentic Algarve heritage and culture.
"Ombria Algarve and the golf course project are being designed according to the highest international standards, contributing to long-term community development, while preserving and enhancing the local environment by incorporating areas for conservation and promotion of wildlife habitat."
Alexandra Betâmio de Almeida, Independent Verifier, GEO-Foundation - Ombria Golfe Course, Loulé
The following measures have been taken by Ombria Algarve:
• Creation of waste management policies
• Procedures to reduce air, soil and water pollution, CO2 emissions and noise levels
• Awareness of fertility levels required for the site’s soil
• Specific management and monitoring plans: water quality and drainage, nature conservation, archaeology and cultural heritage and waste
• Definition of construction areas in order to avoid a negative impact on the habitats, rare and endangered species
• Definition of an environmental management plan for natural and semi-natural habitats
Our commitment to the utmost respect of our surroundings by protecting natural habitats, using natural resources responsibly and working alongside the local community, is part of a larger responsibility to ensure that golf at Ombria Algarve also benefits the stunning landscapes and vibrant community we play alongside.
“What sets Ombria Algarve apart from other golf courses is the perfect integration with its natural environment and pre-existing heritage assets (such as old trees, lime kilns and aqueducts), the respect for nature and the spectacular countryside views. Sustainability is at the core of the design concept and maintenance, which has been translated as reduced grassed areas and keeping many other areas as natural landscape.
The layout is a fun challenge with its narrow fairways, tees with different height levels, several natural hazards such as imposing trees and rivers, and its generous but undulated greens."
Luís Pinto, Head Greenkeeper